@article{oai:omnh.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001308, author = {原, 巧輔 and 金澤, 芳廣 and 林, 昭次 and 佐藤, たまき and Hara, Kosuke and Kanazawa, Yoshihiro and Hayashi, Shoji and Sato, Tamaki}, journal = {大阪市立自然史博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the Osaka Museum of Natural History}, month = {Mar}, note = {香川県さぬき市多和兼割の上部白亜系・和泉層群引田累層から発掘され,大阪市立自然史博物館に寄贈された爬虫類11点,板鰓類12点の化石の記載を行った.大型のカメの縁板骨5点には,鱗板溝が存在しない,内縁が著しく発達する,内縁が波打つ,という形質が認められることから,原始的なオサガメ類Mesodermochelys undulatusと同定された.また板鰓類には2目4科4属( Chlamydoselachus sp., Hexanchus microdon, Paranomotodon angustidens, Protolamna sp.) のサメが含まれている.このうちP. angustidens は和泉層群では初記録となり,更に日本産の本属の中では歯牙高が最大であった., This paper describes 11 reptilian and 12 elasmobranch fossil specimens from the Upper Cretaceous Izumi Group in Tawakanewari, Sanuki City, Kagawa Prefecture, which were donated to the Osaka Museum of Natural History. Five turtle shell fragments were identified as the peripherals of the basal dermochelyid Mesodermochelys undulatus based on the following characters: lack of scute sulci, notable expansion of medial border medially, and undulating medial border. The elasmobranch remains include two orders, four families and four genera( Chlamydoselachus sp., Hexanchus microdon, Paranomotodon angustidens, and Protolamna sp.). P. angustidens is represented by a single, nearly complete tooth. The height of this specimen exceeds that of any other reported specimens of this genus from Japan, and the occurrence marks the first record of this genus from the Izumi Group.}, pages = {61--79}, title = {香川県さぬき市に分布する和泉層群引田累層(カンパニアン)から産出した 爬虫類・板鰓類化石}, volume = {72}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ハラ, コウスケ and カナザワ, ヨシヒロ and ハヤシ, ショウジ and サトウ, タマキ} }