@article{oai:omnh.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001312, author = {浜田, 信夫 and 佐久間, 大輔 and Sakuma, Daisuke and Hamada, Nobuo}, journal = {大阪市立自然史博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the Osaka Museum of Natural History}, month = {Mar}, note = {大阪市立自然史博物館でカビ汚染の状況をモニタリングするため,収蔵庫や展示室などで落 下カビの調査を行い,以前行った寺社の収蔵庫での落下カビの調査の結果と比較した.大阪市立自 然史博物館の落下カビ数は,寺社の場合に比べて,非常に少ないことが明らかになった.寺社の空 調を施していない部屋に比べて1/100以下に,空調のある部屋に比しても1/30以下だった.また,収 蔵庫内部で生育したとみられるカビは見られなかった.その理由として,博物館の収蔵庫は年中温 湿度が20°C,55%に自動制御されていることが原因であると思われる., Air-borne fungal contamination was studied in the storage rooms of Osaka Museum of Natural History by the method of trapping the mold on the culture plate. Fungal number in the storage rooms of museum was compared with that in Japanese temples, which was examined before. Any fungi which grew inside of the museum of natural history were not found, and fungal contamination in the museum was much lower than that in the temples without air-conditioning. Fungal number in museum was less than 1/100 of that in general storage room of the temple, and less than 1/30 of that in the special storage room with air-coditioning. This difference was thought to depend on the controlling of temperature and humidity by automatic air-conditioning system in the museum, namely 22°C, 55% regardless season.}, pages = {161--166}, title = {自然史博物館の収蔵庫と展示室における落下カビ調査}, volume = {72}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ハマダ, ノブオ and サクマ, ダイスケ} }