@article{oai:omnh.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001350, author = {松本, 吏樹郎 and 長谷川, 匡弘 and 市川, 顕彦 and Matsumoto, Rikio and Hasegawa, Masahiro and Ichikawa, Akihiko}, journal = {大阪市立自然史博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the Osaka Museum of Natural History}, month = {Mar}, note = {大阪市南港中央公園における訪花性ハチ目昆虫のモニタリング調査の過程で,これまで日本から記録のないワタナベツチバチScolia watanabei( Matsumura)(ハチ目ツチバチ科)が発見された。本種は,大型で顕著な斑紋を持つにもかかわらずこれまで記録がないこと,また本種の分布が知られている中国,台湾を含む海外からの大量の貨物が運び込まれる港湾地区でのみ見られることから,外来種であると考えられる.本種が確認されているのはごく狭い範囲に限られているため,侵入の初期の段階にあると考えられる., An aculeate wasp, Scolia watanabei( Matsumura)( Scoliidae), was newly discovered in Japan in the course of a survey of flower visiting hymenopterans at Nanko Chuo Park in Osaka City. This wasp is regarded as adventive in Japan because it had not been recorded in the country despite its conspicuousness, large size and striking maculation of the body, and the fact that the wasp was found only in the harbour district in Osaka City to which a large amount of cargo has been imported from foreign countries including China and Taiwan where this wasp is native. The distribution records of this wasp in Japan are confined to a very narrow area, suggesting it is in the initial phase of invasion.}, pages = {1--5}, title = {外来種ワタナベツチバチ(ハチ目、ツチバチ科)の日本からの発見}, volume = {73}, year = {2019}, yomi = {マツモト, リキオ and ハセガワ, マサヒロ and イチカワ, アキヒコ} }