@article{oai:omnh.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001352, author = {鳴橋, 直弘 and 久米, 修 and Naruhashi, Naohiro and Kume, Osamu}, journal = {大阪市立自然史博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the Osaka Museum of Natural History}, month = {Mar}, note = {バラ科キイチゴ属ゴショモミジイチゴが香川県仲多度郡まんのう町で発見された.山口県,高知県に次ぐ第3番目の産地である.前2産地には両親種のモミジイチゴとゴショイチゴが生育しているが,今回の香川県にはゴショイチゴは分布していない.また,山口県の集団や高知県の集団は開花はするものの,不稔で果実は見られないが,香川県産には果実が見られた.そこで,両親種と小核について比較した.山口県の産地は2倍体であるが,香川県の産地は果実があることから,3倍体の可能性が示唆された., A new distributional record of Rubus × calopalmatus Naruh. & Masaki from Manno-cho, Nakatadogun, Kagawa Pref. is reported. Previous reports of R. × calopalmatus from Yamaguchi Pref. and Kochi Pref. were sterile and did not show any fruit, however the fruits of Kagawa Pref. were observed. Newly observed fruits and pyrenes of R. × calopalmatus were compared with the parental species: R. palmatus and R. chingii. The hybrids in Yamaguchi Pref. were sterile and diploid, however those from Kagawa Pref. had fertile, suggested the possibility of triploid.}, pages = {13--18}, title = {バラ科キイチゴ属ゴショモミジイチゴの新産地とその果実}, volume = {73}, year = {2019}, yomi = {ナルハシ, ナオヒロ and クメ, オサム} }