@article{oai:omnh.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001447, author = {初宿, 成彦 and 安井, 通宏 and 市川, 顕彦 and 桂, 孝次郎 and 河合, 正人 and 中谷, 憲一 and 山崎, 一夫 and 大阪市立自然史博物館「都市の自然」調査グループ甲虫班 and Shiyake, Shigehiko and Yasui, Michihiro and Ichikawa, Akihiko and Katsura, Kojiro and Kawai, Masato and Nakatani, Ken'ichi and Yamazaki, Kazuo and Beetle Team of Urban Nature Research Group (Project U: Osaka Museum of Natural History)}, issue = {3}, journal = {自然史研究, SHIZENSHI-KENKYU, Occasional Papers from the Osaka Museum of Natural History}, month = {Feb}, note = {大阪市内の甲虫類 867 種を、市民による野外調査、標本検視、文献引用により記録した。そのう ちの 195 種がレッドリスト掲載に相当すると考えられた。これらには 1950 年代および 80 年代に消滅し たものが多い。現在、甲虫の種数は2つの大河川周辺で最も多く、ここに限定して存続しているもの、ま たかつて市街地周辺にも見られたものもある。また外来種のように新しく分布するようになったものもあ る。このような変遷の記録と概観は、稀少種のみならず、普通種を含めた多数の標本が保管されること により可能である。, Through examination of the museum collection, literature citation, and field surveys conducted by citizen scientists, 867 species of beetles were recorded in Osaka City. Of them, 195 species are considered to be candidates for Red List, and many disappeared in the 1950s and the 1980s. The number of beetle species is currently highest in the area along two major rivers: some species only occurred there originally, however, some species were previously found in urban areas but nowadays restricted to the area. There are also newly distributed species including introduced species. Overview of such long-term changes can be made, only by the collection of a large number of specimens, including not only rare species but also common species.}, pages = {41--104}, title = {大阪市の甲虫相とその変遷}, volume = {4}, year = {2020}, yomi = {シヤケ, シゲヒコ and ヤスイ, ミチヒロ and イチカワ, アキヒコ and カツラ, コウジロウ and カワイ, マサト and ヤマサキ, カズオ} }