@article{oai:omnh.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001546, author = {浜田, 信夫 and 馬場, 孝 and 佐久間, 大輔 and HAMADA, Nobuo and BABA, Takashi and SAKUMA, Daisuke}, journal = {大阪市立自然史博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the Osaka Museum of Natural History}, month = {Mar}, note = {2020年 7 月に発生した豪雨による球磨川氾濫で被害を受けた熊本県の人吉城歴史館の植物標本 を,乾燥・クリーニングする過程で,汚染カビの種類や性質について,14サンプルを調べた.最も多 く繁殖していたカビは,Trichoderma で,その他に,Fusarium,Penicillium などが検出された.いずれ も貧栄養な土壌中に一般的に見られる好湿性のカビであった.保存した植物標本に生育するカビには 好乾性カビは見つからなかったことから,いずれも洪水に由来し,浸水と同時に発生したカビと思わ れる.これらの汚染カビは,十分な乾燥を数カ月行えば,消失すると思われる.あわせて,乾燥や酸 素遮断を優先するカビ被害への初期対処法の提言も行った., Water hazard occurred on many botanical specimens of Hitoyoshi Castle History Museum by flood on Kuma River in Kumamoto Prefecture in July 2020. Characters of contaminated 14 predominant fungi were examined on treatment for cleaning and drying damaged specimens. Most predominant fungi on specimens were Trichoderma, following to Fusarium and Penicillium. All of those fungi are hydrophilic and found in soil with poor nutrient commonly. Because xerophilic fungi were not detected, fungal contamination was thought to be derived from flood water, and to have occurred as soon as flooding. Contaminated fungi were thought to disappear within a few months by plenty of drying. Some of the first-aid procedures were proposed for water soaked specimens.}, pages = {29--34}, title = {河川氾濫による水害に遭遇した植物標本のカビ汚染とその対策}, volume = {75}, year = {2021}, yomi = {ハマダ, ノブオ and ババ, タカシ and サクマ, ダイスケ} }