@article{oai:omnh.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001721, author = {石田, 惣 and ISHIDA, So and 若ごぼう市民調査グループ and Waka-gobo Research Project Team}, issue = {77}, journal = {大阪市立自然史博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the Osaka Museum of Natural History}, month = {Mar}, note = {大阪府八尾市の伝統野菜である葉ごぼうを対象として,市民に呼びかけて販売店舗(または非販売店舗)と産地の情報を提供してもらい,産地ごとの販売地点の分布を調査した.販売店舗報告943件のうち,大阪府産は741件(78.6%)を占め,大阪府産のうち八尾市産は少なくとも642件(86.6%)を占めていた.大阪府産の大半は大阪府だけでなく隣接府県でも販売され,その大半の市区町で大阪府産は80%以上のシェアを占めていた.全報告件数に占める販売店舗の報告件数の割合は,大阪府,阪神間,奈良県北西部で比較的高く,主産地の八尾市では89%だった.大阪府の葉ごぼうの主な生産地は依然として八尾市域であり,地元で消費される傾向は強いものの,消費地は拡大していると考えられた.大阪府の隣接府県における葉ごぼうの消費は旧来の伝世によるものとは異なる食文化であり,この形成には大手系列スーパーの商品展開が関わっているのかもしれない.本稿ではSNSを用いた調査手法の有効性,大阪府内の小規模産地の地域消費,及び他県産葉ごぼうの流通についても若干の考察を加える., The locations of stores selling (or not-selling) ha-gobo (edible burdock with tender leaves), a traditional vegetable of Yao City, Osaka, in each cultivated area were recorded through citizen science survey. Volunteers reported 943 stores selling ha-gobo. The Osaka Prefecture accounted for 741 (78.6%) of these. Yao City cultivated ha-gobo, sold across 642 stores, accounting for 86.6% of the Osaka Prefecture-cultivated crop. Produce from the Osaka Prefecture was sold in Osaka and the adjacent Prefectures and held more than 80% market share in the majority of the municipalities. The proportions of stores selling ha-gobo were relatively high in Osaka Prefecture, the Osaka-Kobe area, and the northwest of Nara Prefecture, and accounted for 89% stores in Yao City. In conclusion, though Yao City region remains the main ha-gobo production area in Osaka, the sales have expanded beyond the home town. The ha-gobo consumption culture in Prefectures adjacent to Osaka may have evolved differently from that in Osaka, where it is traditionally consumed. This custom may be driven by ha-gobo sales in mass stores of major supermarket chains. We have also discussed the effectiveness of the survey using SNS, the local consumption of the small-scale production in Osaka, and the distribution of ha-gobo cultivated in the other Prefectures.}, pages = {11--27}, title = {地域の伝統野菜「葉ごぼう」の生産地と消費地の地理的構造 ―市民科学によるアプローチ―}, year = {2023}, yomi = {イシダ, ソウ and ワカゴボウシミンチョウサグループ} }